Client representative, procurement services, international services, project management and others.





Our company employs specialists for project management focused on construction with extensive international experience and practice. We may boast about their countless references regarding erection of strategic investment units both inside and outside of Europe. We have acted both on the part of the multinational suppliers as well as on the part of the foreign investors.

We are experienced in elaboration of initial investor’s plans, in selection of appropriate technologies and in negotiating conditions of licences from approved licensors across Europe or overseas. We are well established in the array of supplier selection for all modes of the project execution, from a main contractor of the action to the local supplier of equipment or services. Our skills are not limited to only a preparatory stage of the project, we are also successful in the area of its execution management and commissioning.






An experienced investment team capable of strategic investment management is something that is not usually available in the investor’s companies. As an effective solution of this situation we offer a partnership to the investors for preparation and execution of their investment program, where we implement our long-lasting experience with investment construction and project management together with background ensuring successful fulfilment of target parameters. In scope of the „client representative“ service and with active participation and decision-making authority of the investor we offer provision of investment program assessment, project preparation, public-law hearings, preparation and execution of tenders, execution of construction itself as well as commissioning.





Each project is perceived as an unique, complex and unrepeatable work. When interpreted correctly, each project is a source of specific experience enabling improvement of project management of the next projects. We have displayed our experience resulting from executed projects together with essential theoretical background into an integrated set of internal procedures and we have available unique know-how for management of investment projects in the most complicated conditions concerning both the sophisticated technological solutions as well as the production with continuous operation. Investors, in our concept of the project management, are perceived as an active element with the possibility to co-decide and influence individual stages of the executed project.




These days, procurement is understood as a tool to reach the lowest possible price. Our company considers procurement in a conservative way as a means for optimization of relations between the investor and the supplier who ensures quality and timely execution of the investment program at an affordable price for the investor. Procurement represents mainly the „negotiation skills“, when it is necessary to separate the technical, commercial and price parts of the procurement process. The key factor is definition of the assignment and conditions for execution of the project, where some investors lack sufficient experience. Our experts do have such experience. Procedures verified by
practice assure not only fast and flawless course of the tender for the investor,but also correct interpretation and evaluation of submitted bids and impartial materials for further decision-making of the investor. Correctly performed selection of the suppliers is a base stone ensuring safe execution of the project.





Preparation and discussion of the investment program, provision of pertinent documents and necessary permits, preparation of the design documentation, technical supervision of the investor, author’s supervision, health and safety supervision, … all these activities are continuously provided for our customers. We make use of our experienced team of authorized designers and technicians that is prepared to offer its services even to you.

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